A martian, Jesus/Campesino/Rat, Plastic Bag, Banana Peel and a Coke Can all were waiting on the side of the road to take a bus to well anywhere. Brenden, Megan, Nicole, Keri and I decided to do some bus charlas about trash and throwing trash out the bus window on Monday!
We took various buses going to Santa Rosa- Joroco- San Miguel route. Brenden and Megan would hop on the front of the bus. Brenden, the martian, didn't know what to do with his chip bag and so he decided to throw it out the bus window (common practice here) when all of a sudden a campesino ref comes up to tell him that he shouldn't litter or burn his trash. Then pops up Nicole, a "sexy" bolsa aka super selectos bag to talk about how plastics need to go in a trash can. Megan sneaks up on the bag as a rat and talks about if ya throw trash wherever rats, mosquitos, cockroaches and other lovely creatures will come with their diseases. After this encounter, the martian thinks he's got it all figured out and that all trash goes in the trash can. But it doesn't! So I, the coke can tell him about recycling cans, glass, plastic bottles and how ya can earn some $ for it too! So now we got waste and recycling...until the martian eats a bananna. This bananna happens to be Keri, the bananna peel's "rica" little sister. She explains about organic vs. inorganic trash. At the end, the martian gets what to do with trash BUT he wants to know THE TRUTH of the universe. Luckily, Jesus Cristo (aka Megan, the campesino and rat) is on the bus and says how God created the earth and humans and he didn't create it for humans to just trash it. At then end, Jesus asks for a donation of trash! And that was our trash skit!
The reactions to us were: indifference, picture taking, applauses, people trying to help us throw trash out the window, others telling us that americans don't litter, a grandma that thought we were just precious, a cobrador who thought we were pretty great and yeah!
It was hilarious and I'm going to try to put a video up of it.
Oh yeah, you are probably thinking why did we do this on the bus and why were we not kicked off. Well, I'm glad we didn't get kicked off or charged for bus fair. But here like people sell everything on the bus from God to toothbrushes. So people screaming on the bus is pretty common. We decided to take advantage of this and talk about the environment!
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