The Content of My Blog contains my views and thoughts. It does not reflect the views of the Peace Corps,the US Government, or El Salvador's Government.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

3 de marzo

The other day I step out of my house and my vecina, the landlord, la senora (lots of names for her) anyways she is outside my house and we start talking. She tells me how good it was that I had visitors and that I must feel lonely now...yeah thanks for the reminder. Anyways, she has 2 daughters in the US that see misses a lot, and one is a citizen/has papers. So anyways we start talking about why she and her husband don´t want to go to the US. The Conversation goes something like:

La senora: Here, I can be outside all the time. The doors are open. I can feel the breeze and fresh air, but there you are closed in all the time. It´s cold. Theres snow and hail. I´d die.

Me: Ah, yeah it is cold there. ANd it is nice here. I like that its warm all year round and I can be outside a lot.

La senora: yes, yes exactly. My husband was going to go to the US too, but you know what?

Me: What?

La senora: People live in small apartments in Washington (aka DC). You can´t hang a hammack. And its cold so you can´t sleep in a hammack either.

Me: Yeah, apartments are small and hammacks aren´t that common there but you could hang one up.

La senora: Oh no. My husband he told me he could never leave here. He can´t sleep anywhere but his hammack. He said he would rather be here swinging in his hammack all afternoon then be in el norte (US).

......moral of the story is that well hammacks are pretty great. I can´t lie, but to sleep in everynight, nah. haha i thought it was funny that the reason why her husband didn´t want to go to the US was his love for his hammack!

Love and miss you all!


  1. and you can write.
    that makes 3 talents

  2. Hope all is well with you. We think of you often. Can't remember if I gave you my blog address We are ready for spring here....and I for one would love a warm day to lay in a hammock Take Care Peggy (across from your Dad)
