Yes, this is a picture of a dead duck. It was alive about 1 minute before this picture was taken. So one afternoon my friends Brian and Karl bought a duck for $2.00 from a friend. This was a pretty fat little duck they got. Anyways, so the boys killed the duck. I couldn't watch all of it, but I had to document it. I have never witness an animal being killed, chopped up, cooked and then eaten. Also, I'm in El Salvador..people do this stuff all the time here but I'm usually too much of a baby to witness the killing part. It was something that I felt I had to do while being here.
SO the boys killed it, cleaned it (what a bitch it was to get the feathers off), cooked in and then made a gumbo. It was delicious!
*Now, I know at home and even here I try not to eat that much meat, nor do I really like meat. But if I'm going to eat it, I like it fresh and local...I couldn't have gotten it much more fresh or local.