The Content of My Blog contains my views and thoughts. It does not reflect the views of the Peace Corps,the US Government, or El Salvador's Government.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

15 de agosto

Sorry I havent been good at updating this but my chanes for internet havent been that great. but so lets see this week so much has happened because we went to san salvador for two days and were in san vincente the rest of the days.

so yesterday i felt so productive. Duffy, Nicole and I made a jardin or a garden in Duffys backyard. First, we hoed the earth all up and also a foset, some trash, a big fucking spider that we thought was dead but wasnt. I also say we hoed but its really hard to hoe and duffy broke the first hoe (hahaha i had to sorry and its true he did..the wood split) so he did most of it but I tried. Afterwards we walked around and found sticks or cut sticks using a machete..yes everyone like around here uses machetes which is kinda scary but also kinda cool to use I cant lie. We like made a pretty good looking fence and then we made beds for the seeds and finally planted cucumber, radish and green beans. Yeah. It took us most of the afternoon and hopefully something grows! None of us really knew how to plant them so we will see though but it can be an experiment so when I get to my site I can hopefully have a little jarden or huerto as them call them in El Sal¡

Today, Nicole and her host bro Alex invited me to make bread at these peoples houses named ferre and lidia and david. They were awesome, not only for having patience to teach me to make french bread but to talk with. They are basically vegetarians because the chickens they eat that they raise..vegetarians in el salvador are like very rare. Also they were very environmentally aware and are kinda like the first hippies Ive meet. Outside their house they had lots of beautiful vegetation outside such as tall coconut trees, jacotes which are this delicious small oval fruit, bleed heart flowers (like nana dee use to have at the farm), and more. We also saw this iguana with like blueish green spikes and a cameleon which i had never seen in the wild before¡

Ahh so much to write about. I will be brief because this is probably getting boring to read. But okay so last week we went to San Salvador for two days and went to various museums to learn about both sides of the civil war..the military museum and the museum of words and imagines. I liked the second musuem more and was much more real to me with the fotos, drawings, phrases and domuntary we watched there. However, in the military musuem they had stuff from iraq because apparently there were el salvadoreans who were in iraq? who knew. umm we also went to the embassy which is beautiful and we got to talk to the guy that is filling in as embassor right now. He actually sat down next to me and let us ask questions about the foreign service and his life which was I found interesting and has got me questioning and thinkin about being a foreign service officer.

I have to say that things like walking down the street and hearing Kid Cudi at one house, then salsa then some dr. dre makes me really happy and smile. Also, another aspirante in the town next to mine and i have been running in the 530..I think this is the earlies I have willingly gotten up but its really refreshing and lets me release some energy so Im not so figity when I have to sit all day in class.

I miss everyone a lot and hope everyone is doing well. I have a phone now so ask me for my number. Also I want to start writing letters so if you want one tell me¡