The Content of My Blog contains my views and thoughts. It does not reflect the views of the Peace Corps,the US Government, or El Salvador's Government.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Since arriving in Colombia, Mariel and I have spent our time In and around Medellin. I loved Medellin! It is a huge city with around 2.5 million people who live in a central valley and the high mountains that surround the city. The part where we stayed, El Poblado is awesome. It has bars, restaurant, warm, friendly people, is clean and like 80 degrees at all time. Also, it is really bike, running, being fit friendly with public gyms, hours where they close down main streets for people to exercise and more.
We explored the city a few days and then also took a day trip to El Penol y Guatepe which are two small towns about 2 hours away. El Penol is a giant rock you clib up, 740 stairs, to see all the surrounding hills and lakes. All these lakes and inlets are from a dam that was built miles and miles away. Themain town nearby is called Guatepe which is right on the water and has colorful buildings and a tiny main square.
Another day we went Paragliding! This has been my favorite thing so far...yes, its only been a week. But, I was a bit nervous thinking it was going to turn my stomach or something while we were flying, but its sooo smooth and you are just gliding along overlooking the city at the same levels as the birds. I felt like it was lik sailing but only being thousands of feet in the air.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
To Colombia
On to Colombia! After being home for about a month after I finished my Peace Corps service in El Salvador, I'm headed to Colombia and to South America. I'm traveling with my friend, Mariel, who did Peace Corps with me in El Salvador. Our plan is to travel Southwards from Colombia; meaning Colombia to Ecuador, to Peru, then Bolivia, Chile, Argentina or something like that.
Now, some or all of you are thinking what am I doing or why am I leaving? Well really it's because I want to see and travel South America before I have any real responsibilities. When else am I not going to have any real strings attached? So, I'm starting off on another wonderful adventure to see beautiful things, meet, see, do and experience whatever may come my way! I'm excited for the journey.
I have put a map below of at least Colombia and our route.
Also, I'm planning on writing some in Spanish= roughly translating so if you see Spanish below that's why!
A Colombia! Despues de estar en mi casa por mas o menos un menos despues de cuando termine con peace corps en El Salvador, estoy yendo a Colombia y Sudamerica. Estoy viajando con mi amiga, Mariel, quien hacia Peace Corps conmigo en El Salvador. Nuestro plan es viajar de Colombia hasta al sur; eso significa que vamos de Colombia a Ecuador, a Peru, despues a Bolivia, Chile, Argentina o algo asi.
Ahora, algunos de ustedes piensan que estoy haciendo o porque salgo otra vez? Pues, la razon es que ahora no tengo compromisos y cuando en mi vida a demas de ahora que no tendre compromisos? Entonces, estoy empezando otro viaje increible para ver, conocer, hacer cosas lindas! Estoy muy entusiamada!
Abajo hay un mapa de Colombia y nuestra ruta alla.

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