Expect the Unexpected is one of Peace Corps slogans. I had thought of it as pretty true due to the pleasant or not so pleasant everyday surprises, but now it is definately true.
I will be COSing (close of service) on or before April 30th. Surprise! The past few weeks have been crazy and rumors have been flying around about what Peace Corps is going to do in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. In December, they first decided not to have any new volunteers come in 2012 in order to restructrize the program here in El Salvador. Just a few days ago, we got new news about how the group before me will be leaving before Feb. 20th and that we have new rules such as restrictions on going to San Salvador, etc.
All of these changes are being made due to safety and security issues that have been happening in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. Mostly, these issues being violence related to gang activities. However, I do not want you to worry. I feel safe in Yayantique! I could say a lot about the whole thing, but the most important thing I feel is that you all know that I am safe. There has been a lot of talk and comments. But the best article I have see is this from a PCV in Guatemala, whose feeling I share.
I am kinda studded about the whole thing and vary worried about my community, all the PCVs communities and El Salvador. I know that PC wants to avoid any incident but I know that leaving early will/ has affected my work and my community...
I can't help but think of the bright future and happiness the 3 kids in my community who have won scholarships at the chance to study. I just hope this doesn't effect their future. Or of the ADESCO group who has had so many ups and downs but keeps fight and learning more and more about community development, leadership, team building, project planning and management. I hope they continue to luchar! Or the English teacher who is so excited to work with me and put into place many of the dinamicas (dynamics) and interactive learning techniques he has learned from the workshops we have gone to or the classes I taught last year. Or the recycling program we hope to start in the school...so many places and people who I hope will continue on the path that they have started to improve their lives of their community. My goal is to do the best I can to make impower them and make the current projects and work I have more sustainable and hand it over to my community.